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New IBI Classrooms

Writer's picture: Alley Dezenhouse KelnerAlley Dezenhouse Kelner

By now those who frequent know a thing or two about behaviour intervention for kids with Autism. They know that Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a teaching philosophy. They know that Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) is the application of ABA teaching in an intensive (more than 20 hours) delivery, usually in a 1:1 ratio in a way that is validated by science. They even know that at Magnificent Minds we offer ABA classrooms that use our ABA principles to guide student success.

But did you know that we now also offer IBI Classrooms?

The inevitable next question is “What’s the difference between your ‘regular’ ABA classroom and your NEW IBI classroom?” Well, let me paint a picture for you.

ABA Classes

You can thrive in a school based environment, without sacrificing an evidence-based delivery. Our ABA classrooms operate at a 4:1 student to teacher ratio; the students have one primary teacher and potentially one classroom assistant (though this would depend on classroom size). The classroom functions as a slightly modified typical classroom. The primary modification is the ABA style of delivery. The classroom is set up like any other—desks, carpet area, learning centres; the classroom is equipped with visual cues to promote student independence. At any given moment you can walk into the classroom and see 4-8 students working in small groups or independently, with 1-2 teachers circulating and providing guidance on demand. Students work from the Ministry curriculum, in addition to other relevant curriculum documents.

IBI Classes

You can meet all of your funded (or unfunded) IBI hours, while being immersed in a school experience. Our new IBI classrooms operate at a 1:1 ratio; each student will have a 1:1 instructor therapist. The classroom functions as a highly modified classroom with some aspects of the typical classroom experience (like morning meeting, music class and art). The primary modification is the IBI delivery; the intensive support, combined with traditional IBI teaching tactics like discrete trial training, and other methods chosen on an individual basis based on student need.

The classroom is set up uniquely, with individual learning stations for each student and designated group learning areas set-up to develop foundational group learning skills, alongside their one to one support person. At any given moment you can walk in and see 4 students, learning with full support, alongside their peers in a room that looks and feels like a typical classroom. Students work from the ABLLS-R curriculum, and other ABA curriculums as needed. The schedule follows a traditional classroom schedule, with subject specific periods (and programs with data), which correspond to each unit of study (like: language, numeracy, social skills, and play skill building and so on).

An IBI classroom provides 100% of the benefits of 1:1 IBI (because 1:1 support is an integral part of the success of this program) while also providing plenty of the benefits of group programming, such as developing the relationships that emerge from sharing a learning space/classroom with a group of students for an entire academic year. Some people may be thinking “but doesn’t good IBI include some kind of group component?” the answer is “YES!” but typically this is scheduled blocks of time in which group learning is targeted, while the rest of the time the students learn in IBI rooms, or in small classrooms. The difference in our IBI classroom is that it’s the same kids, on the same schedule, who share a classroom for an entire year. The premise is similar, but the outcome is different.

We’re excited about the ability to help our IBI kiddos develop essential skills that allow them to transition into group learning. We realize that for some, a jump from 1:1 to 1:4 ratios may be too quick, so we’re eager to slowly increase ratios to set our kiddos up for success.

If you feel your child may benefit from this kind of programming, get in touch with us! 647-404-6349 (Alley) or

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